Ce document de travail décrit comment les outils légaux internationaux peuvent être appliqués aux populations victimes du changement climatique et de dégradation environnementale et suggère des terminologies appropriées. Extrait du document : p.4 : « Environmental factors that cause movements across international borders are not grounds, in and of themselves, for the grant of refugee status under the 1951 Refugee Convention. The terms “environ- mental refugee” and “climate refugee” therefore have no legal basis in international refugee law, and it is recommended that they not be used in official or unofficial documentation. Their use could poten- tially undermine the (...)
Droit | Changement climatique et migration | IPCC | UNFCCC/CCNUCC | Montée du niveau des mers | Conflits |This note relates to the implementation of paragraph 1(c) of the Bali Action Plan and requests UNFCCC negotiators to ensure recognition in the follow-up Protocol of the need for early action to prevent statelessness as outlined below, and to permit funding for adaptation to be made available for such early actions.
Changement climatique et migration | UNHCR |p 2 : « IOM, UNHCR, UNU and NRC therefore compiled this joint submission with the aim of bringing the migration and displacement implications of climate change to the attention of the UNFCCC and requesting that these implications are considered in the 15th Conference of Parties agreement. This submission is based on the assembly document text (FCCC/AWGLCA/2008/16/Rev.1) and contains concrete text proposals in order to indicate the gaps relating to migration and displacement in the previous draft and facilitate the inclusion of these issues in subsequent versions of the draft agreement. Climate-change related migration and displacement is a topic of relevance for (...)
Sciences politiques | Droit | Changement climatique et migration | Adaptation | UNHCR | internally displaced persons | plan d’action de Bali | Vulnérabilité | IDP - Internally displaced person |Ce travail est une réponse au plan d’action de Bali. Il étudie la protection des personnes déplacées à l’intérieur de leur Etat ou vers d’autres Etats en raison du changement climatique. Extraits p 4 : « The many millions forcibly displaced by sudden and slow-onset disasters will require substantial protection and humanitarian assistance because displacement creates specific new, or exacerbates pre-existing, vulnerabilities. Particular challenges for the displaced as well as for the authorities concerned arise in the context of evacuations before and during disasters, relocations because return to the original place of residence is not possible or too dangerous and, more (...)
International | Droit | Changement climatique et migration | IPCC | UNHCR | internally displaced persons | plan d’action de Bali | IDP - Internally displaced person |The process of climate change – and the multiple natural disasters it will engender – will in all certainty add to the scale and complexity of human mobility and displacement. Thus far the international community has focused primarily on the scientific aspects of climate change, with the aim of understanding the processes at play and mitigating the impact of human activity. Yet climate change is likely to pose humanitarian problems and challenges. As such it is of direct interest to humanitarian agencies, including the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Ce document de travail étudie les différents scénarios de déplacement, les (...)
Droit | Changement climatique et migration | Adaptation | Politique publique | Déplacement de population | UNHCR | Recommandations | Prévention |Global warming, which is the increase in global average temperature in the course of the twentieth century, is mostly due to the increase of atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations caused by human activity ; these anthropogenic emissions have increased by 70 per cent between 1970 and 2004 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 4th Assessment Report).
Droit | Changement climatique | UNFCCC/CCNUCC |The process of climate change – and the multiple natural disasters it will engender – will in all certainty add to the scale and complexity of human mobility and displacement. The international community has focused thus far on the scientific aspects of climate change, with the aim of understanding the processes at play and mitigating the impact of human activity. Yet climate change is equally a humanitarian problem and challenge. As such it is of direct interest also to humanitarian agencies, including the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (...)
Dégradation de l’environnement | Migration | UNHCR |La dégradation de l’environnement et les changements climatiques posent des problèmes importants sur les plans de la sécurité humaine et du développement économique et humain durable. Selon le Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC), le réchauffement climatique accélère la dégradation des terres arides et des autres écosystèmes exposés à la déforestation, à la salinisation [...]
Dégradation de l’environnement | Migration |Dans le contexte belge, les politiques et mesures visant à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre sont élaborées à différents niveaux de pouvoir, en fonction du partage des compétences entre l’Etat fédéral et les Régions. Chacun de ces niveaux de pouvoir fixe ses propres priorités en matière depolitique climatique et environnementale.
Politique publique | Etudes environnementales | Belgique |While there is growing interest in the issue of climate change and displacement, there doesn’t seem to be consensus about the ‘entry point’ into the debate. Many have tried to estimate the potential scale of displacement, with widely varying results resulting from different assumptions and methodologies. Others have analyzed the legal gaps, particularly for those who cross international borders because of the effects of climate change. Still others have sought to analyze the potential for increased conflict resulting from the effects of climate (...)
UNHCR | Brookings Institution | Brookings-LSE Project on Internal Displacement | internally displaced persons |Natural disasters, particularly those related to climate change, are fast becoming a leading cause of forced displacement although conceptual, normative and institutional frameworks to provide human rights protection to the environmentally displaced1 are not yet in place. This article discusses the human rights and protection dimensions of disaster-induced displacement, identifies the major challenges to protecting disaster victims, and proposes ways forward. The authors argue that while most environmentally displaced persons are expected to remain within their own countries, there is a lack of clarity about the status and protection needs of those uprooted by (...)
Brookings Institution | Brookings-LSE Project on Internal Displacement | internally displaced persons | Catastrophe naturelle |UNHCR organized an expert roundtable on climate change and displacement, which was held in Bellagio, Italy, from 22 to 25 February 2011, with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation. The discussion was informed by a number of research papers.Participants included 19 experts from 15 countries, drawn from governments, NGOs, academia and international organizations. The roundtable is one in a series of events organized to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (“1951 Convention”) and the 50th anniversary of the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness. The following summary does not necessarily represent the (...)
Changement climatique | Déplacement de population | UNHCR | Convention sur les réfugiés 1951 |Often, the media and policymakers approach the issue of limate change, migration and displacement by asking questions related to “how many” migrants will come. An equally important but less considered question is how national institutions will adapt to accommodate climate change and human mobility. This paper suggests that the capacity of states to adjust to these changes effectively is contingent upon the particular cultural, social, economic and political contexts in which they function and the structural constraints of government machinery. Rather than proposing prêt-a-porter solutions for nation-states, it is important to help states better understand the (...)
Changement climatique et migration | Gouvernance globale | GMF | Sénégal | Bangladesh | Mexique |This paper presents IOM’s efforts to support vulnerable and mobile communities affected by environmental hazards through disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) activities conducive to sustainable development. Extrait du document : p 6-7 : « IOM’s involvement in coordinated humanitarian response stems from its Constitution and was6expanded upon in the Organization’s 12-point Strategy17 adopted by the membership in 2007. DRM is at the core of humanitarian emergency response as it includes life-saving activities implemented in the course or in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. Timely and efficient assistance and protection depend on (...)
Sciences politiques | Droit | Adaptation | Développement durable | Changement climatique | Catastrophe naturelle | Management des risques de catastrophes |Résumé du document p1 : « This note relates to the implementation of paragraph 1(c) of the Bali Action Plan and requests UNFCCC negotiators to ensure recognition in the follow-up Protocol of the need for early action to prevent statelessness as outlined below, and to permit funding for adaptation to be made available for such early actions » Extrait du document : p2 : « To prevent statelessness in the context of low-lying island States, one option would be that territory elsewhere would be ceded to the affected State to ensure its continued existence. If other States agreed that this was the same State, statelessness would not arise. Union with another State would be (...)
Droit | Changement climatique | UNFCCC/CCNUCC | Montée du niveau des mers | Apatrides climatiques - disparition d’Etat |