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Ulla Holm

Fiche auteur détaillée


Selected list of publication

1) U. Holm, H. Malmvig, F. Tassinari (2011) : ”Is there a European Way to Tunisian Reform ?” (Policy brief, DIIS, February).

2) F. Tassinari. U. Holm (2010) : “Values Promotion and Security management in Euro-Mediterranean Relations : ’Making Democracy Work’ or ’Good-Enough Governance ?”, DIIS Working Paper 2010. Forthcoming in an edited book by R. Gillespie (Routledge, London)

3) U. Holm, F. Tassinari (2010) : “The European Neighbourhood Policy and North Africa : Acknowledging Tensions and Putting Reforms First”, Publication : Notre Europe, Paris.

4) : Intet nyt fra Algeriet : Bouteflika vinder for trejde gang præsidentposten” (Nothing new from Algeria : President Bouteflika wins the elections”. Brief DIIS Brief. March 2009

5) ‘Libyen : Fra slyngelstat til ‘normal stat’ (Libya : From rogue state to ‘normal’ state). Report for the Academy of Defense. Copenhagen.

6) : “Sarkozy og EU-formandskabet : (Sarkozy and the EU – Presidency) : In Udenrigs (Foreign Policy), Copenhagen. No. 4. 2008) :

7) “En ny fransk Europæisk politik ?” (A new French European Policy ?). EU som sikkerhedspolitisk aktør ( The EU as security Actor). Copenhagen, The European movement.

8)”What kind of Security Policies between the Maghreb, the US and the EU ?” in K. Henriksson & A. Kynsilehto (eds.) (2008) : Building Peace by Intercultural Dialogue. Construction de la paix par le dialogue intercultural. Tampere Peace Research Institute TAPRI. Finland.

9) “North Africa : A Security Problem for themselves, for the EU and for the US” (2008). Report to the Danish Ministry of Defense

10) ”Unge Muslimer og salafister i Frankrig” (Young Muslims and Salafists in France) (2007) Report to the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

11) The Old France in the New Europe (2007). Monography. DIIS publishing house, Copenhagen.

12) : EU’s Neighbourhood Policy : A question of Space and Security. DIIS Working Paper. 2005.

13) “Fransk udenrigspolitik” (French Foreign Policy), Udenrigs (Foreign Policy), Copenhagen. no. 1, 2005

14)“The Old France, The New Europe and a Multipolar World” in Perspectives on European Politics and Society. In Journal of Intera-European Dialogue, Vol. 5, no 3. 2004. Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden.

15)“The Algerian political, and social Crisis : Is Bouteflika able to change the System” in Konstantin K. Khudoley (ed.) New Security Challenges as Challenges to Peace Research. St. Petersborg University Press. 2004

16)”Religion as a part of European Values in the European Constitution” in H. Arvidsson (ed.) (2003) : European faultlines. Lund University Press. Sweden 2)

17)”Algeria ; Securitization of State-Nation and Islam ?” in a special volume on Mediterranean security in Inchiesta No. 141, Luglio-settembre 2003. Edizioni Dedalo. Milano.

18)”Frankrig og Irak : Multipolarisme versus unilateralisme” (France and Irak : Multipolarism versus unilateralism) in C. Behrendt Kjærsgård (2003) : US/Europe – fælles fjender ? (Enmies in Common ?).Copenhagen. 19)”Frankrig : En taber i international politik ? (France : A looser in International Politics ?”), in Udenrigs (Foreign Policy), no. 2. 2003, Copenhagen.

20)“How to explain violence in Algeria” in D. Jung, S. Guizzini From Peace to War. 2003. Routledge, London.

21) U. Holm, P. Joenniemi : “The Relationship between North and South : Towards a Europe of Mega-Regions ?” In L. Beltrán, J. Maestro, L. Salo-Lee (eds) European Peripheries in interaction. The Nordic Countries and the Iberian Peninsula. 2002. University of Alcalá. Spain.

22)The Maghreb : Half-way between the European Security Complex and the Middle East Security Complex. Booklet. Frederico Caffé Centre. 2002. Roskilde university, Denmark.

23) The implication of the Concept of the French State-Nation and ‘Patrie’ for French Discourses on (Algerian) Immigration, AMID, Aalborg University, 2002.

24) “Er den fransk-tyske tango en saga blot ?” (Is the French-German Tango a thing of the Past ?”, COPRI, Center for Freds – og konfliktforskning (Center for Peace and Conflict Research), 2002.

25)”Hvor går Frankrig hen, når det går til valg ?” (Where does France go, when it goes for elections), Udenrigs (foreign policy), no1, 2002

26) “Marokko i stormagternes vold” (Morocco in European Hands’) . 2001. Sfinx. Århus Denmark..

27) ”Algeria, Islam and Terrorisme” (Algeria, Islam and Terrorism) in Udenrigs, no. 4, 2001, Copenhagen.

28)”France : A European Civilizational Power” in J.Peter Burgess and Ola Tunander : European Scurity Identities. Contested Understandings of EU and NATO Prio Report, Norway, 2000.

29) ”Frankrig og Algeriet” (France and Algeria)i Udenrigs,no. 1. 1998, Copenhagen

30) U. Holm, G. Rye Olsen : Vandring mod Europa. Algeriet – Frankrig.(Migration towards Europe. Algeria – France) 1997. GeOfocus

31) “Krigen mellem le Pen og B. Mégret” (The War between le Pen and B. Mégret), Fransk Nyt (French News,), The French teachers’ review, 1999.

32)“Det Franske Middelhav” (The French Mediterranean) in L. Erslev Andersern (1998) EU og Middelhavet. Odense University Press.

33)”Fransk EU-Politik” (French European Policy) in Udenrigs, no. 4. 1998, Copenhagen.

34)”The Strugle between the French Political Nation and the Cultural Nation” in J.Peter Burgess ; Cultural Politica and Political Culture in Postmodern Europe. Postmodern Studies 24, Amsterdam, Atlanta, 1997.

35) U. Holm (Ed.) : Middelhavet – et sikkerhedsproblem ?.The Mediterranean : A Security Problem) Chapters : ”Algeriet, en kaosmagt ? (Algeria, a Chaos Power ? ”Middelhavet består af to geopolitiske rum (The Mediteranean consists of two spaces). 1997, The European Movement, Copenhagen

36)Den fransk-tyske akse (The French-German axis), Udenrigs, no. 2. 1997, Copenhagen.

37)Det franske Europa (The French Europe),. Monography.Århus Universitetsforlag (Århus University Publishing house), Denmark, 1993.

Thèmes de recherche

Theoretical and empirical research : Social Constructivism, discourse theories, security complex theory, conceptual history and geopolitics in relationship to analysis of French domestic, foreign and European policy, the relationship between France and North Africa and Mediterranean security policies including the meaning and importance of Islam, Secularism, terrorism and immigration. Research on internal development of state-nation- society- religion in Morocco, Algeria and Libya. Furthermore research into French political parties’ ideology, the question of the relationship between French ‘laïcité’ and religion with special regard to Islam and immigration.


Former Employment : 1973 – 1990 : College - and university teacher in French social science, foreign and security policy, Gender Studies and the Maghreb. Aarhus University and Aarhus college.

Leave : 1990 – 1991 : sejour in Paris in order to study at ‘l’École des hautes études sociales en sciences sociales and Paris 7. Studies into French regional policies, French parties and French defense politics.

Aarhus College : 1991 – 1994 : teacher in French and Danish. Aarhus.

Researcher at Center for Peace and Conflict Research : 1994 – 2003. Copenhagen

Actual employment : 2003 - Senior researcher at DIIS (Danish Institute for International Studies, Copenhagen) External examinator at 1)Development studies (Roskilde University, RUC). 2)Minority Studies (Copenhagen). 3)Cultural Encounter studies (RUC), 4)European Studies (Aarhus and Aalborg University). 5)African studies /Copenhagen University).

Guest researcher : 2000 : one month at PRIO (International Peace Research Institute, Oslo Accomplishment of an article on ‘France as a Civilizational Power’ 2001 : 2 months at IREMAM (Institut de recherche d’Aix-en Provence)- Studies in North African domestic and regional policies. Result : articles on Algeria. 2005-06 : A research grant from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Denmark) in order to study the relationship between la laïcité, Islam and the French notion of state-nation. Sejour in Paris from first of November 2005 to 10th January 2006. result : working paper on ‘ Youngsters and Salafists in France’

Media : Used by the Danish TV, Radio, journals for interviews on France and North Africa. Guest lecturer at religious studies and Political Sciences at Copenhagen University, and the Academy of defense Peer reviewer : Millenium, Cooperation and Conflict, International Affairs

Former board member of 1) The European Movement, 2) Nordic Society of Middle East Studies.

Nomination : chevalier dans l’Ordre des palmes académiques. December 2010.


Education : 1972 : MA in French and Danish language and literature. Aarhus University. Denmark. 1976 : Economic History, Aarhus University (history). 1993 BA : Middle Eastern Studies (Odense University).Denmark. March 2000 : PhD : The French Europe. The Implication of the French Concept of State, Nation and Patrie on French European Policies. (Center for European Cultural Studies, Aarhus University).

Language Skills : Fluently : French and English. Read and speaks German. Read Spanish and use Spanish for conversation.