Dr. Julie Mostov is Vice Provost for Global Initiatives, and Professor of Political Science at Drexel University. She specializes in studies on the politics of national identity, sovereignty, citizenship, and gender and has a particular interest in Southeastern Europe.
Her recent publications promote the notion of soft-borders, transnational citizenship, and relational sovereignty, and explore gender and sexuality in the politics of national identity. Publications related to this work include, Soft Borders : Rethinking Sovereignty and Democracy (Palgrave, 2008) as well as her book with Rada Ivekovic, From Gender to Nation, (University of Bologna/Longo Editore, 2002 and Zubaan Press 2004) ; “Soft Borders and Transnational Citizens ;” “Softening Borders, De-Naturalizing Difference ;” and “‘Our Women’/ ‘Their Women’ : Symbolic Boundaries, Territorial Markers, and Violence in the Balkans.”