Transdisciplinarité, humanisme, éducation, technologie et faits sociaux (2016/...)
Department of Mathematics, University of Evora, Royal University of Bhutan, Price of Songkla University, UNESCO chair on Intangible Heritage, Center Philosophy of Science, Coordinator Erasmus mundus EMMA WEST 2013 emmasia.uevora,pt.
Mario Markus, a Chilean scientist and artist from Dortmund Max Planck Institute, has exposed, in (Markus, 2016), a large set of images of Lyapunov exponents for the logistic equation modulated through rhythmic oscillation of parameters. The pictures display features like foreground/background contrast, visualizing superstability, structural instability and, above all, multistability in a way visually analogous to three-dimensional representation (Markus, 2016a). The present paper aims at classifying, through codification of numbers using the unit interval, the ensemble of fractal images thus generated. This is part of a bigger project, which is the classification of style of fractals - a common endeavor to Art and Science.
chaos, fractals, Lyapounov exponents, visualization