2007 Gendering the International Refugee and Asylum Debate Basingstoke : Macmillan (forthcoming).
2004 Immigration and Insecurity in France, Aldershot : Ashgate. Compte-rendu de Ph. RYGIEL
1997 Femmes politiques : mythes et symboles, Paris : L’Harmattan.
2003 Gender and Insecurity : Migrant Women in Europe (ed), Aldershot : Ashgate.
2001 Feminism, Buckingham : Open University Press.
2000 Women, Immigration and Identities in France (ed), Oxford : Berg.
Chapitre d’ouvrage
2006 The Headscarf Debate : Muslim Women in Europe and the “War on Terror”, in K. Hunt and K. Rygiel (eds), Engendering the War on Terror : War Stories and Camouflage Politics, Aldershot : Ashgate.
2005 State Responses to the HIV/AIDS Pandemic (with N. Poku), in U. Engel and G. R. Olsen (eds), Understanding the African Exception, Aldershot : Ashgate.
2003 Selling Sex : Trafficking, Prostitution and Sex Work Amongst Migrant Women in Europe, in J. Freedman (ed), Gender and Insecurity : Migrant Women in Europe, Aldershot : Ashgate.
2003 Introduire le genre dans le débat sur l’asile politique : l’insecurité croissante pour les femmes réfugiées en Europe, in M. Hersent and C. Zaidman (eds), Genre, Travail et Migration en Europe, Paris : Université de Paris VII.
2001 L’affaire des foulards : Defining a feminist anti-racist strategy in French schools, in K. Blee and F. Twine (eds), Feminism and Anti-Racism : International Struggles, New York : New York University Press.
2002 Women in the European Parliament, in K. Ross (ed), Women, Politics and Change, Oxford : Oxford University Press.
2000 Women in the European Parliament : Uniting and representing women’s interests ?, in B. Axford, D. Berghahn and N. Hewlett (eds), Unity and Diversity in the New Europe, Bern : Peter Lang.
2000 Women and Immigration : Nationality and Citizenship, in J. Freedman and C.Tarr (eds), Women, Immigration and Identities in France. Oxford : Berg, pp. 13-28.
2000 Fin-de-siècle feminism : Le Mouvement pour la parité, in K. Chadwick and T. Unwin (eds), New Perspectives on the Fin-de-Siècle in France. Lewiston : Edwin Mellen Press. pp. 75-95.
2000 Immigrant and ethnic minority women in Contemporary France, in U. Tidd and A. Gregory (eds), Women in Contemporary France, Oxford : Berg.
2007 Women, Islam and Rights in Europe : Beyond a Universalist/Culturalist Dichotomy, Review of International Studies (forthcoming January 2007).
2007 Women Seeking Asylum : The Politics of Gender in the Asylum Determination Process, International Feminist Journal of Politics (forthcoming).
2007 Citizenship, Identity and Borders in an Enlarging Europe, Parliamentary Affairs (forthcoming).
2005 The Socio-Economic context of AIDS in Africa (with N. Poku), Review of International Studies, 31,4, pp. 665-686 .
2004 Increasing Women’s Political Representation : The Limits of Constitutional Reform, West European Politics, 271, 1, pp. 104-124.
2004 Secularism as a barrier to integration : The French Dilemma, International Migration, 42, 3, pp. 4-27.
2002 Women in the European Parliament, Parliamentary Affairs, 55, 1, pp. 179-189.
2002 Violence Against Asylum Seeking Women in Europe, Fempower (Journal of the European WAVE Network), 5, pp. 9-16.
1999 Parité as a mobilizing myth in the French feminist movement’, Women in French Studies, 7, pp.237-249.
1998 Les hazards d’être femme en politique’, Modern and Contemporary France, 6, 3, pp.
1997 Dominaçao simbolica no ambito politico : As representacoes das mulheres politicas na Gra-Bretanha et França, Cultura Vozes (Brazil), 91, 2, pp.54-69.
1997 Can Women Tranform Politics ? Women’s Demands for Equal Representation as a Catalyst for Institutional Change, Contemporary Political Studies, 191, 1, pp. 457-468.
2006-2009 Professeur invité au Département de Science Politique (UFR 11) et au Centre de Recherches Politiques de la Sorbonne (CRPS) de l’Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1) : "Marie Curie Visiting Chair", CRPS, Université de Paris 1.
2005-2006 Chercheur invité au Centre de Recherches Politiques de la Sorbonne (CRPS) de l’Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Université de Paris I : Bourse de la Ville de Paris.
Depuis 2004 : Membre du Groupe de Pilotage du réseau scientifique TERRA (, Redactrice en Chef de la revue Asylon(s) - La revue des deux asiles
Depuis 2000 : Senior lecturer, Department of Politics and International Relations, Southampton University, UK.
1998-2000 Lecturer, School of Modern Languages, Southampton University, UK.
1996-1998 Lecturer, Department of European Studies, King’s College London, UK.
1996 Doctorat de Sociologie Politique, Université de Paris VII, Mention très honorable avec les félicitations du jury à l’unanimité.
1992 DEA d’Etudes Politiques, Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris
1991 MSc Political Theory, London School of Economics
1990 BA Politics, Philosophy and Economics, Oxford University